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3DFiber.concrete - Additive manufacturing of large reinforced cementitious structures using robotic applications


Project name: R&DT Business Projects in Co-Operation

Universal Code: CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-072643

Main Objective: To strengthen Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Intervention Region: Center; Lisbon

Promoter Lead: MENDESINOV, LDA


Objectives, activities and expected / achieved results:


The 3DFiber.concrete project aims to respond, on the one hand, to the limitations related to the incorporation of mechanical reinforcement in FA manufactured structures for the construction sector and, on the other hand, to the need for automation and automation of processes through the use of robotic systems. Additionally, this project intends to bet on a strong digitalization of the entire value chain, from the definition of the product to its implementation, through the manufacturing chain and logistics.

Thus, the project will focus on the research and development of solutions for efficient and automatic incorporation of reinforcement systems in cement extrusion processes for high performance structures related to the construction sector.  

Approval date: 09/10/2021

Start date: 05/31/2021

Completion Date: 06/30/2023

Total eligible cost: €1,451,856.98

European Union Financial Support: ERDF - €1,108,030.65



Every day our customers motivate us to take a more creative and innovative look at the industrial environment and manufacturing solutions, for the present and for the future.

The constant development of projects with a high demand for research and technological innovation, motivated a culture of constant research within our teams and encourages a close collaboration with the universities and research institutes.

Today we present the 3DFiberConcrete project:

The 3DFiber.concrete project aims to respond to the restrictions of the incorporation mechanical reinforcements of structures manufactured by AM for the building sector and the need to automation and process automation using robotic systems. Additionally, this project intends to invest in a strong digitization of the entire value chain, from product definition to its implementation, comprising as well the manufacturing and logistics chain. The project will focus on the research and development of solutions for the efficient and automatic incorporation of reinforcement systems in cement extrusion processes for high-performance structures destined to civil building sector.

The preliminary studies of this project have already been prepared and divided into four parts:

  • Preparatory technological assessment of robot-assisted AM in constructions with reinforced cementitious materials;

  • Study of reinforced cementitious materials for AM;

  • Study and strategies of fibre reinforcement, pre-reinforced beams and internal geometry;

  • Study and parametrization of robotic control of AM of cementitious and fiber reinforcement;

3DFiberConcrete _pic1.jpg

These preliminary studies aim to create and consolidate knowledge about robotic cement extrusion processes and the reinforcement of materials for the automated production of high-performance parts and structures for the construction sector, with larger, free and innovative designs, without recourse to moulding structures.

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